I really want this to be a knitting post for the most part, but sometimes life interrupts and I feel like I have to explain this whole ongoing surgery debacle so that at least one day I can look back and remember all of this...
Once upon a time there was a girl whose feet and legs always hurt. She thought that everyone had this problem. Even though she sometimes had stress fractures and often couldn't fall asleep from pain in her feet and legs she thought she was normal.
Then one day, she got out of bed, her ankles cracked and she fell to the ground. Then this happened again. And, as this continued she realized that walking around in the morning was painful and took getting to used too.
So, she decided to go see a doctor. He gave her some pills that made her violently ill. So, she went to a new doctor. The new doctor decided that insoles in her shoes were the key. She decided to call them nerdy shoes. Her friends called them special shoes. After three months of the nerdy shoes the pain was no better.
The doctor told her that the next step was to have a screw put in each ankle to realign the bones. Although the girl was not super excited about the plan she was super excited about less pain.
Just after Christmas the girl went to have surgery. She had never been in the hospital and was nervous about the unknown. As they wheeled her back to surgery she started to cry, and then she was asleep. She woke up with metal in her foot and very little pain. She decided that this wasn't so bad after all. Once she got used to walking with this new screw she loved it! It was the best piece of metal ever!
Four weeks later
The girl is back in the hospital to get the next screw put in. She is no longer scared and is happily chats with the very nice nursing staff. Jokes are made on the way to the operating room and everything is lovely. She wakes up from this surgery and heads home. Yay screws.
One week later
The girl is at a conference happily walking without crutches when all of a sudden she feels an awful burning sensation inside of her foot. It hurts but she decides that it must be normal. She goes to the doctor the next day and he tells her that her screw has been pushed out of place. Sometimes this happens (which is why you sign documentation that says you understand that this could happen and that it doesn't mean that it is anyone's fault.) She has to have surgery the following week to correct things.
One week later
Back to the hospital. Everyone is nice, things are jovial and surgery is done. More precautions are taken and the girl is on crutches a full week instead of a few days. At the post op appointment things look perfect on the X ray. Sadly, when the girl returns home from the appointment she carefully steps through the house and feels the screw go back out of place. She calls the doctor. He has her in a few days later and they discover that the screw won't stay in place. She has a loose ligament (who knew screws were promiscuous...) and it won't hold the screw in place. She has to have the screw taken out and let scar tissue form. Hopefully, in four months there will be enough scar tissue to hold a screw in place.
The screw comes out. We start over. Boo. The girl surely needs new yarn to feel better.