Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stealing Time

12.5 hours down- 9987.5 hours to go

Isn't it amazing that sometimes you look at something that is going to take no time at all and you are COMPLETELY wrong? I hate that. Having said that, I love when you think something is going to take forever and it flies by. I cast on a baby sweater that I thought I would just fly through, but alas, it is taking longer than I would have guessed. I only cast it on last night, but I've had a solid two hours this afternoon and thought it would amount to more knitting that it has. (Nevermind the amount of tinking I've done due to my inability to count.)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

... I think I hate it

10.5 hours down - 9989.5 left

So, I opened the Knit Picks Garden Kit and I think I hate it. I cast on 8 stitches and then took them off the needles though so I can't say that I tried really hard. I wasn't in the mood for "new things" so I went back to my old stuff. Surely, I'll pick this back up and love it since I needed it so badly.

Tomorrow, another teacher at school is taking kids on a field trip which leaves me with 3 kids each in my last two classes. Woo Hoo. I'm pretty sure we won't be doing anything. By pretty sure, I mean I told the kids we weren't doing anything and I think I'll be working on a baby sweater.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a knitted snuggie

8 hours down, 9,992 to go

About a month ago my sister asked me if I would knit her a snuggie. I checked ravelry, and although there were some patterns they were boring... So, after mulling this over for a month I have decided to write a knitted snuggie pattern.

Do I know anything about writing patterns? I do not.
Do I have yarn in the stash I'm trying to get rid of to knit said snuggie? Also, no.

So, I bought this yarn: in Marlin (her choice) and I'm looking for a free (and cool) pattern writer to download... I want the snuggie to be full of cables and intricate like a nice afghan. Really, what's classier than a snuggie? (Can you even use the term snuggie, or is that a brand name?)

I guess I'll be learning lots in the next few weeks...

Monday, April 26, 2010

my black thumb

7 hours down; 9,993 hours to go

I bought four plants on Earth Day in hopes to have a mini-garden. Last year, I tried to plant a real garden-- some plants and some from seed, and it did not go well. So, this year I bought a jalapeno plant, a raspberry bush, some mint, and a hanging strawberry plant. The strawberry plant is a "from seed" thing, but it is like one of those tomato "topsy turvy" planters so I'm hoping it works. I transplanted these plants into bigger pots today. Maybe planters will work better for me?

I'm currently working on a lace scarf. I like some lace, but I'm not a giant lace knitter. I think that pattern is called the kernel scarf or something and it is variegated yarn another thing I'm not generally a fan of. So, craziness and ripping out may take place, or I might love it and want to wear it even though it will be too hot when I finish it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lazy Sunday

5 hours down- 9,995 hours to go.

I finished a very hurried baby blanket for a friend. Turns out Knit Picks Crayon might be the softest acrylic yarn ever. I totally loved it, and it is absolutely affordable. Did I take a picture? Of course not. I was way too excited to wrap it and be done with it. I'm still amazed that I was able to finish it as quickly as I did. I decided to knit it with less than a week until the shower, and it wasn't like I had a lot of free time.

I'm giving up on my plan to run the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. I "forgot" to train. I didn't really forget, but I didn't train... so no 13.1 for me this May.

I'm in love with this:
Even though I said I was trying to de-stash I might have purchased this... Later, I'm totally casting on for one of the butterflies.

Friday, April 23, 2010

10k project

Okay, so I was trying so hard not to get pulled into this "become an expert thing" that has recently come into my awareness. But, I can't stop thinking about it. I want to know just when I will have knit for 10,000 hours-- you know-- starting today. Really, I won't be changing any of my habits, because I would knit and try to become more efficient and try new things in the knitting world anyway. So, why not?

Oh, and I have convinced myself that if I can knit through my entire stash (which is giant, but will take time) that I can go to Stitches Midwest in August and start fresh. My stash stresses me out because I know that it is there and I have paid for it, so I feel like I should be using it. Of course, there's a lot of random stuff in it so I will need to become a little creative in order to accomplish this, but that's my other goal with the 10k project.

Yay for killing two birds with one stone.

Oh, and about blogging. I'm really going to do it this time. For sure. Totally. Starting.... now!