Time to knit the small things! Because there isn't time to knit the big! I'm in a great mood because A) I don't have to wait tables anymore
B) I get to tutor and still bring in extra money
C) For some reason I'm full of holiday spirit this year
D) I have lots of things to knit and I'm making progress.
My first try at making a stocking turned out ugly as sin. So I've started over. Here's a picture of the one that I have finished. It was a QUICK knit so I hope to finish the other one tonight.

I had never thought of knitting stuffed animals or animal toys, but since I have had ravelry (I'm erincolleen if you are a raveler) I saw a couple of really cute things. So, I'm making a few of these knit kittens and filling them with cat nip to use a stocking stuffers for those that have cats. I opted to leave off eyes and a mouth since I don't want anyone's cat to eat that stuff!
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