First, I can walk like 10 steps without crutches. This makes me very happy. I love being able to get a glass of water all by myself.
Reading-- Twilight so good, but I have a million other things on my mind and I can't just sit and read it.
Watching-- My husband recently bought the Twin Peaks the series. He loved it when it was on and I've never seen it. We watched the first season when I was stuck on the couch. Not so bad.
The couch sitting will continue for awhile, because even when I can walk again I know that my ankle will swell up and I'll have to sit and ice each night. Not good for productivity or the Spring Break shape I'd like to be getting in. (Oh, yeah. Going on Spring Break for the first time in 8 years. Who am I going with? My parents. Yeah. They have the same break I do; Clay can't get off work. It is sit in Btown alone or go to sunny FLA. I'm going. Too bad they work out with personal trainers and I'm stuck on my ass on the couch post surgery. Its going to be great when my mom's skinnier than I am.)
In the world of knitting I've had lots of time on my hands. I, finally, casted on for the afghan I'm making because I know that it will be slow progress. It is pretty complex. When it is long enough to show the intricate details I'll photograph it. I'm also working on a sweater that I've put on a deadline. I want to finish this sweater before Bloomington's LYS opens. February 22. But, first on my list is to finish the other Bird in Hand mitten so I can't stop feeling like a fucking idiot. I knit the first one and it turned out to be the left, not the right mitten I had intended to knit. No big deal, I knit the thumb backward and it worked. So, this time as I finished the cuff and started the thumb gusset. I looked at it really hard to make sure I didn't mess up. I needed a RIGHT mitten. So, which pattern am I using? The left hand pattern. Why? Because it makes a right hand. I'm evidently not that smart... But, I've decided that rather than really try to figure out the problem behind this I'm going to just keep knitting. At the end I'll have a right and a left mitten and they'll look like the picture... Oh, except for the Estonian Braid. I only put one of three on each mitten. Those little buggers are the worst knitting invention ever! Okay, okay, they look beautiful, but they take me nine years. Maybe if I was knitting on bigger needles I could deal with it, but no more braids on size ones. Ever.
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