Friday, February 8, 2008

back and forth

I've been knitting steadily since I returned from my surgery yesterday. I have one mitten done, the body of my sweater (I need new size7 dpns for the sleeves and I can't drive until Monday) , and I'm three rows back on my afghan. I have steadily knitted an inch and have torn that inch back for the last few hours. Maybe I need to wait until I'm not on pain killers. There's a lot of counting involved in this afghan. I think I might have to go back to the mittens for awhile.

I watched "Jane Austen Book Club" today. Pretty good.

I finished reading Twilight last night. It was tremendous. I sent my husband out to buy the second one, but they didn't have it. Had I waited 30 more minutes to send him I could have sent him for needles too, but I'm trying not to make him too crazy...

1 comment:

f.w. said...

I am a moron and can't believe I spaced and NEVER read that you were having surgery! How are you doing?