Everyone who has a Monday-Friday type job likes the weekend; I know I'm not special in this regard, but I am super stoked about THIS weekend! Why? There's nothing really planned.
There's a handyman coming over tomorrow and Sunday to fix something things that we have seriously neglected, but other than that there are no dates or times that have plans attached to them. There is a large list of things that need to get done, but I get to do them on my own time in the next 60 hours and that's enough to make me really, really happy. I like lists and more than lists I like cross
ing things OFF of lists and this weekend will give me a chance to do both things. Crossing things off is especially important because next week I have something after work EVERY DAY. Even Friday. The more I can get done this weekend the happier erin I will be.

This picture is the dog and the cat last night. My husband took it and sent it to me to show how tired the animals were and how they wanted me to come home so that we could all go to sleep. About 10 minutes after I was through the door last night I was asleep. It was glorious.
1 comment:
I love no-plan weekends! Unfortunately, I haven't had too many lately. But soon school will be out and I'll have plenty of no-plan days. I love the animal picture!
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