I love it for like two weeks.
Then, I get unmotivated and bored.
Yes, I still read, knit, and catch up on things, but my motivation starts to dwindle little by little.
At the beginning of the summer I put up a giant calendar of all the things I wanted to get done and a timeline of how I wanted to finish them. Pretty much the reading and knitting is getting done. The rest of it fell the the wayside after week one.
This is the table of knitting to work on. I'm usually a one or two project person. This is insane and freaks me out.

Last week, I woke up the the idea that if I put my plans on the internet I would feel like I *had* to do them. (Knowing it is on the internet is enough for me- no one even has to read it.) So, this is my new plan. I'm going to start a crazy, hodge-podge blog with knitting stuff, book reviews, and whatever else I feel like writing or talking about. I'm sort of hoping that writing every day will give me ideas for the "zombie-teacher" novel that I want to write. Currently, the novel consists of 6 pages of exposition. That I wrote in April. Of course I wrote it in April because I was so busy I couldn't see straight. Now that I have all the time in the world? Nothing.
The Help- by Kathryn Stockett
I read this about a month ago and I liked it. The story is about African American women during the times where everyone in the south had hired help. One white woman digs into their stories and realizes her own dreams. It was interesting and felt like it could be historically accurate, but something about it keeps me from calling it fantastic. Honestly, I think I'm a little taken aback by the fact that the author of the book is white and is trying to imagine what these women went through. I suppose an African American woman that would have written this would have had to do the same research. That might not make sense, but in my head it totally does. I will, however; be seeing the movie because it stars Emma Stone and I may have a tiny girl crush on her. I want to be friends with her and go out for lunch and cocktails. She seems super fun.
1 comment:
LOL! I am the complete opposite. I have no "hate" for Summer vacay.
I saw the preview for The Help and the preview made me cry. I probably won't see the movie, but I've got the book on my kindle.
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