If I was in to spinning I think I might get more excited about Tour de Fleece, but I don't spin. Last year I tried to make my own Tour de erin and I failed, completely. I'm going to try again this year for Tour de erin.
Tour de erin rules:
- Knit for two hours every day.
- Nothing can be cast on until something else is cast off.
- Second socks must be cast on the day that sock on is cast off.
I have a lot of things on the needles right now, and I have even MORE things that I want to knit so this makes a lot of sense to me!
The Chocolate War - Robert Cormier
I'm getting a new teaching load this upcoming fall and one of the things I am teaching is a remediation class. I am really excited about this class, and I am ever more excited because the previous teacher did a wonderful job of picking a great variety of books. This book is one of those. It is young adult fiction, but really related well to the students and has some "adult" things in it that I think they will enjoy reading about.
The Chocolate War is about a private school where the students are asked to sell chocolates to help the school raise money. (Yes, so far this sounds really lame and like a million other books, but it isn't.) There is a secret society in the school, mean teachers, students that really see what is going on, violence, talk of sex... it is an interesting read. If I told any more about the book I would give away what takes place so if you're interested in this sort of thing-- or have young adults that might be -- you should read it!
1 comment:
A former student of mine read that book and absolutely loved it. I wish there was a kindle edition. Of course, I could get off my lazy bum and go to the library...
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