Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm officially there...

I hate Christmas. It happens every time at this year. It is a week before Christmas, I'm in the middle of grading the last big projects for my Freshmen English students, getting ready to give finals, spending half my time during the day reviewing with kids that have already told me that they aren't going to study, oh, and I'm supposed to be doing nine million other things...

So, in the true spirit of procrastination and and venting I'm going to list why I hate Christmas (also known as my to-do list.)

1. This year I started making really cute Christmas cards. So, I only made a few real cool ones nad the sub par variety are still sitting next to me mocking me.

2. I like making cookies. For one night. Not three. I also don't like that there isn't a good way to do this ahead of time.

3. I'm almost done Christmas shopping. Of course, the things I have left to buy are for the hard people to buy for and I have no idea what to get.

4. I want to be generous and give to all sorts of people in need, but I surely don't have the money.

5. I'd like to finish my Christmas knitting, but that is the last thing on the list since I could buy presents if I had to.

6. I HATE going to a bunch of different houses. But, you can't see part of the family and not the rest. I mean, that's what they tell me.

7. I'm pretty sure by the end of the season the dog and cat will have knocked over the Christmas tree (even though I keep warning them about it.) Oh, I love trees. It is the part of Christmas that I like.

8. The kids at school have all lost their marbles, very few of them care about the semester anymore, and its hard to keep them occupied at this point.

9. I eat too much crap and my tummy hurts.

10. I want to hang out and be merry, but I just sit and think of the things that still need to be done...

There are a million more, but my guilt has kicked in and I must get back to grading.


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