Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tour de erin

Of course, the first day of Tour de erin I have decided to change things. All the rules previously set still apply, but I am adding one more caveat. Each day I will set a new, separate goal for that day.

Day 1:
Knit the entire leg of the flutterby sock. This is a super quick knit sock. I did nine repeats on the top of the first sock, and I timed myself this morning when I cast on the second sock (see. I'm following the rules I set out yesterday) for one repeat and it takes 23 minutes. *
As a side note I used to think I was a fast knitter, but watching videopodcasts and listening to audio podcasts have assured me that I am not as speedy as I thought.
So, with not much on the docket for today I think I can finish this goal. Right now I have 5 repeats finished and we just put Felloship of the Ring in so I feel good about finishing the leg and even moving on to the heel.

Tour de erin might just be a success!!!

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