Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fish and Squares

37 hours down- 9,963 to go

I finally found some time and my knitting mojo so I have square and a fish (yes, I bought the yarn- but I ended up getting 60 dollars worth of yarn for $10 because of gift cards and rewards-- so yay) finished. The fish aren't really cool on their own, but I think once they are together they will be cool. At least, I'm hoping this since I've knit one and I need about a gajillion more. The second square for the sock yarn blanket it really cool, but I'm sure you can't see all the little cabley-bits here.

The one great thing about the fish is they are kind of addicting. I sat down to just start one and all of a sudden I realized that instead of doing the cooking and cleaning I was supposed to be doing I had finished a whole fish. Oh well. Everything will get done eventually!

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